A Community of Believers Helping Their Community

Congregational Directory
We hope that you will support the congregations below for their support and participation in TOMEC's work for our community.
Blakeslee United Methodist Church
5693 Rt. 115
P. O. Box 142
Blakeslee, PA 18610
Rev. Joseph Healey, Pastor
Email: blakeslee@epaumc.org
Worship: Sunday @ 10:30 a.m.
One of the first United Methodist churches in Monroe County - Opened in 1840.
Congregation B'nai Harim Reform Synagogue
5349 Pocono Crest Rd
Pocono Pines, PA 18610
Rabbi Peg Kershenbaum, President
Website: www.bnaiharimpoconos.org
Worship, Saturday @ 10:15a every other week
(Check our website for our next service,
Shabbat services, and special high holiday
Faith Lutheran Church
550 Rt. 940
P.O. Box 228
Blakeslee, PA 18610
Fax (570)643-6853
Rev. Debra North, Pastor
Website: faithlutheranblakeslee.org
Email: faithlut@epix.net
Facebook: Faith-Lutheran-Church-Blakeslee
Worship: 9:30a thru end of March
8:00a & 10:30a after April 1st
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30a-1:30p
Iglesia La Gran Comision
2820 Locust Ridge Rd.
Pocono Lake, PA 18347
Rev. Angel Sotomayor, Pastor
Sunday @ 10:00a
St. Maximilian Kolbe Roman Catholic Church
5112 Pocono Crest Rd.
P.O. Box O
Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Father, Sean G. Carpenter, Priest
Website: stmaxkolbepoconos.org
Email: stmaxkol@ptd.net
Mass: Sunday @ 8:00a & 10:30a
Saturday @ 4:00p
(Memorial Day thur Labor Day - 5:00p)
Confessions: Saturday@3:00p
Daily Mass as scheduled in Bulletin
Pocono Lake United Methodist Church
1188 Rt. 940
Pocono Lake, PA 18347
RRev. Jennifer Miller, Pastor
Website: poconolakeumc.org
Email: plumc01@epix.net
Worship: Sunday 10:00a
Blended Service - Children's Church available during service
After service fellowship
Bible Study: Wed. @ 6:30p
Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. 9:00a-2:00p
Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church
203 Spur Rd.
Pocono Lake, PA 18347
Rev. Stephen Gray, Pastor
Rev. Sherry Keiper, Assistant Pastor
Website: poconolakewesleyan.org
Email: plwc1926@gmail.com
Facebook: Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church
Worship: Sunday @ 10:30a
Bible Study, Children & Teen Ministry: Wed @ 6:30p
Salem United Church of Christ
108 Church St.
P.O. Box 1047
Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Rev. Heather Hunnicutt, Pastor
Website www.salemunitedchurchofchrist.org
Email: salemucc1411@hotmail.com
Facebook: Salem UCC Pocono Pines PA
Worship Sunday @ 10:00a
Sunday School for children during Worship